What is Jekyll ?
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. It is very helpful to quickly setup a blog post also you can host that it on gitpages if you like.
I hope you have enviroment for jekyll already setup before following this post, if you haven’t done that it yet, follow this link to jekyll docs.
Getting Chalk Theme
Clone the chalk theme - Chalk theme github
└──╼ $git clone https://github.com/nielsenramon/chalk.git
Cloning into 'chalk'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1494, done.
remote: Total 1494 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1494
Receiving objects: 100% (1494/1494), 14.09 MiB | 73.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (780/780), done.
Install the requirements
In chalk theme directory
└──╼ $npm run setup
Run the jekyll theme in your system
└──╼ $npm run local
You may see a lot of warnings, but ignore them now if you navigate to you will see the chalk theme running.
Configuring the theme
Many settings can be easily configured in _config.yml
, but somehow any changes i did in _assets/stylesheets/_variable.scss
broke the theme so i ended up changing css in light*.css
and dark*.css
files in _site
for both themes.
Another important feature that is there in the theme is adding thumbnail’s of post but somehow code for this is missing from index.html
, in the end my friend syzmex helped me with it.
so to add thumbnail’s in post replace the code in index.html
with this code and now you can give thumbnail image address when you create a post.
Setting up gitpages
Alright so as the original repo stated, the theme doesn’t work on gitpages but you can easily do it by uploading the content of _site
to your git page repository.